
class CodyzeDfaOrderEvaluator(val context: EvaluationContext, val hashToMethod: Map<String, String>, dfa: DFA, consideredBases: Set<Node>, nodeToRelevantMethod: Map<Node, Set<String>>, thisPositionOfNode: Map<Node, Int> = mapOf(), consideredResetNodes: Set<Node>, eliminateUnreachableCode: Boolean = true) : DFAOrderEvaluator(source)

Codyze-specific implementation of the DFAOrderEvaluator. Its main purpose is to collect the findings in case of violations to the order.


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constructor(context: EvaluationContext, hashToMethod: Map<String, String>, dfa: DFA, consideredBases: Set<Node>, nodeToRelevantMethod: Map<Node, Set<String>>, thisPositionOfNode: Map<Node, Int> = mapOf(), consideredResetNodes: Set<Node>, eliminateUnreachableCode: Boolean = true)


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val consideredBases: Set<Node>
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val dfa: DFA
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open override fun actionAcceptingTermination(base: String, fsm: DFA, interproceduralFlow: Boolean)

Contains the functionality which is executed if the DFA terminated in an accepting state for the given base. This means that all required statements have been executed for base so far. The fsm holds the execution trace found by the analysis.

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open override fun actionMissingTransitionForNode(node: Node, fsm: DFA, interproceduralFlow: Boolean)

Collects a finding if the node makes an operation which violates the desired order.

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open override fun actionNonAcceptingTermination(base: String, fsm: DFA, interproceduralFlow: Boolean)

Collects the finding in the AnalysisContext because the DFA finished analyzing the function but the base did not terminate in an accepting state (i.e., some operations are missing).

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fun evaluateOrder(startNode: Node, stopOnWrongBase: Boolean): Boolean
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fun getBaseOfNode(node: CallExpression): Node?