
Represents a group of functions that serve the same purpose in the API.

Two FunctionOps will be considered equal if they have the same definitions. This means that structure of the FunctionOps have to be equal as well as the Definition.fqns but not the actual Parameters that are stored in the Signatures.


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stores all definitions for the different functions

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open override val ownerClassFqn: String
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fun add(definition: Definition)
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inline fun FunctionOp.definition(fqn: String, block: Definition.() -> Unit): Definition

Create a Definition which can be added to the FunctionOp.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Two FunctionOps will be considered equal if they have the same definitions. This means that structure of the FunctionOps have to be equal as well as the Definition.fqns but not the actual Parameters that are stored in the Signatures.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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operator fun String.invoke(block: Definition.() -> Unit): Definition
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Adds an alternation token (|) between the current OrderFragment and other. All OrderToken are converted into OrderFragments.

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open override fun toNode(): TerminalOrderNode

Convert this OrderFragment to a binary syntax tree

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open override fun toString(): String
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infix fun Op.with(conditionOp: Op): ConditionalOp