Package-level declarations


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class CodyzeCli(val configFile: Path?) : CliktCommand

Main CliktCommand. Provides the common Codyze options. Each executor must provide a CliktCommand that is registered as a subcommand on CodyzeCli.

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class CodyzeOptionGroup : OptionGroup
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class ConfigFileParser : CliktCommand

A CliktCommand to parse the --config option.

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class JsonValueSource(filePath: Path, root: JsonObject) : ValueSource

A ValueSource that uses Kotlin serialization to parse JSON config files as context to Clikt commands.


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val backendCommands: Module

Every Backend must provide BackendCommand to be selectable in the CLI.

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val executorCommands: Module

Each Executor must provide a ExecutorCommand to be selectable in the CLI.

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val outputBuilders: Module

List all available OutputBuilders. They convert the internally used SARIF format into the final output.

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val plugins: List<Module>

List all available Plugins. They use external tools to extend the analysis.


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fun CliktCommand.configFileOption(): OptionWithValues<Path, Path, Path>

The Clikt option for the config file. Defined as extension function because it is used in multiple CliktCommands.

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fun main(args: Array<String>)

Entry point for Codyze.